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Can The Software That Has Been Read via OBD, Be Write via Bench?

Can The Software That Has Been Read via OBD, Be Write via Bench?

With Ecu programming devices, it is 99% impossible to write software files that we read from OBD2 as bench. Because the file read from Obd contains only a flash partition (MAPS-INTERNAL FLASH- EXTERNAL FLASH).

This should not be confused with the Flex full read feature. Full read status read with Magicmotorsport Flex software device is suitable for cloning from Bench.

What is the Cloning Process? What Does It Do?

Each software contains an OTP (One Time Programming) section. This section was created by the manufacturer car brands for initial programming.

These files are taken as a full backup from the malfunctioning engine or transmission computer and rewritten to any zero or second hand computer.

This process is done by reading and writing the full backup with the bench method.

To make a full backup with Flex, at least one “Flash” and one “Eeprom” are required. Flex software ecu programming device offers you these in many bench reading processes and takes the software in the ECU as a full backup in a very short time.

The situation we call bench reading is the process where we can connect to the ECU and read and write only by making the correct connections from the pin ends of the ECU (connection diagrams are available in the program) without opening the ECU and doing any operation.

The Parts We Will Encounter When We Make Software for ECU

In general, after connecting the Flex ecu programming device to the ECU with pins, we see  Maps- İnternal Flash- External Flash- İnternal Eeprom- External Eeprom  sections for reading.

Reading can be performed with obd, bench or boot. There are also some differences between Bench and Boot reading. This situation contains less difference than reading from Obd.

Our advice is to write the files you read with Obd with obd, write the files read with Bench with Bench, write back what you read with Boot with Boot.

On the other hand, if you read the files with Obd and write them with Bench or Boot, some problems may occur in the tool.

Problems such as not starting the vehicle, irregular idling, stopping may occur.

Before doing these operations, you should have the original files of the tool at hand in order to avoid any problems.

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